putrescent in a sentence
- The resin consumes the festering flesh of putrescent abscesses, assists the ripening of tumours, carries away mucus and yellow gall, and is a remedy for inflammations of the eye, for agglutinating eyelids and for excessive secretion of the eye.
- Douglas Campbell's acrid production, set amid John C . Leberg's scenic palette of tarnished golds and putrescent browns and greens, follows the play's romantic complications and complicated double-meaning language with clarity and comic precision.
- In September, the one-two punch of Hurricanes Dennis and Floyd dropped some three feet of rain on the eastern third of North Carolina, turning the region into a putrescent hell of polluted flood waters, decomposing chickens and hogs, rotting farm fields and ruined neighborhoods.
- The type species for " Collybia " is " C . tuberosa ", a small white parasitic mushroom ( with caps up to ) which develops from a reddish-brown apple seed-shaped sclerotium in and on putrescent fungi or remaining in soil after complete decay of the host tissue.
- The paper's editorial stance brought a stream of criticism from more mainstream African-American publications : the " New York Age ", calling it " putrescent ", wrote that " Editor Trotter . . . makes himself smelt if not felt "; another wrote that the " Guardian " was " carrying its cases too fast and too far ", and that Trotter suffered from a " mental malady ".
- Carey wrote that patients would get sicker and sicker for four or five days . " If these symptoms were not soon relieved, a vomiting of matter, resembling coffee grounds in color and consistency, commonly called the black vomit, sometimes accompanied with or succeeded by hemorrhages from the nose, fauces [ the oral pharyngeal passage ), gums, and other parts of the body _ a yellowish purple color and putrescent appearance of the whole body, hiccup, agitations, deep and distressed sighing, comatose, delerium, and finally death ."