firelighter in a sentence
- Special units, such as " KGr " 100, became the " Beleuchtergruppe " ( Firelighter Group ), which used incendiaries and high explosive to mark the target area.
- Brookes and Iveson stuffed lit firelighters in Johnstone's coat and shoe in June as he slept on a bench in Central Park, Dartford, in Kent county on the southeast edge of London.
- Another witness to the events, Richard Reynolds, the firelighter in the Lords, later reported that he had seen Cross and Furlong throwing handfuls of tallies onto the fire an accusation they both denied.
- Zip has diversified into Natural firelighters-made of compressed wood fibre and wax, and in the UK and Ireland Zip also supply convenience Firelogs and the pre-assembled " Fire In A Bag " along with a range of BBQ products.
- The Home Guard platoon struggle to come to terms with this new sharing arrangement, and even Walker who's usually shrewd in business is unimpressed, through he takes the chance to sell the Wardens a'firelighter'to light the stove.
- A main point of the plot is Teach's attempt to civilise the Horde, a difficult task since " every one of them saw a book as either a lavatorial accessory or a set of portable firelighters and thought that hygiene was a greeting ".