encyclical letter in a sentence
- In 1959, to commemorate the centenary of John Vianney's death, Pope John XXIII issued the encyclical letter " Sacerdotii nostri primordia ".
- His first encyclical letters focused on the Triune God; the very first was on Jesus the Redeemer ( " " Redemptor hominis " " ).
- In We Remember the Shoa it simply states Pope Pius XI too condemned Nazi racism in a solemn way in his Encyclical Letter Mit brennender Sorge,
- "It is my hope that the present encyclical letter will effectively help to banish the dark clouds of unacceptable doctrine and practice, " the pope wrote.
- Rev . William Rusch, ecumenical officer for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, said the fact the pope chose to issue an encyclical letter on the topic has great significance.
- This was the context in which Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical letter that articulated the teaching of the Church with a view to the new things of the modern world.
- In his 1863 encyclical letter to the bishops of Italy, Pope Pius IX wrote : " Well known is the Catholic teaching that no one can be saved outside the Catholic Church.
- Pope John Paul II Monday issued an encyclical letter declaring that abortion and euthanasia are crimes thatno law can legitimize and that everyone has a duty to oppose by " conscientious objection ."
- In 1990 she was awarded the Pacem in Terris Award, named after a 1963 encyclical letter by Pope John XXIII that called upon all people of good will to secure peace among all nations.
- Mary, the mother of God, was the subject of encyclical letters to the people of Russia in " Fulgens corona ", as well as a papal letter to the people of Russia.