
claypan in a sentence

claypan meaning in Hindi


  1. The claypan fills with water after local rainstorms and often takes months to dry, a fact which facilitated the survival of fossils over a long period of time.
  2. Father O'Sullivan, the flying padre, was forced to land his Tiger Moth airplane on a claypan at Wooramel in 1956 after experiencing engine trouble and poor visibility.
  3. The river flows south-west joined by the Dundagee, Edmund Claypan, Bobbamindagee, Rock Hole, Dingo and Donald Creeks until it forms its confluence with the Lyons River.
  4. In consideration of both the Aboriginal culture and the ideals of conservation of the area, visitors may only explore in the designated viewing and camping areas on the southwest side of the claypan, and along the trail to Mushroom Rock or other officially marked trails.
  5. As of 2017, the conservation park s habitat was described by the South Australian Ornithological Association as follows : There is a 500 hectare claypan lagoon in the south-western quadrant of Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park and a complex of smaller lakes along the remainder of the western side.
  6. We commenced our excavations about 10 yards from the well, working towards the centre, and before work was stopped, about five weeks later, the claypan resembled the fields of Flanders, with a complicated series of trenches and pits, mostly about 5 feet in depth, but in one case about 15 feet.
  7. By 1892 the property was now in the hands of Sidney Kidman who moved 10, 000 sheep an 1, 000 head of cattle from the station, still owned by the Kidman Brothers in 1899, Sidney Kidman described it as " one of the worst in New South Wales, the might carry 230 cattle but no more, much of it is a claypan that will never carry feed ".
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