
legalism meaning in Hindi

legalism sentence in Hindi
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  1. Legalism (Chinese philosophy)
    न्यायवाद (चीनी दर्शनशास्त्र)
  2. Ambedkar said , rigidity and legalism were the two serious weaknesses of federalism .
    अंबेडकर ने कहा था , अनम्यता तथा विधिवाद परिसंघवाद की दो गंभीर कमजोरियां हैं .
  3. Legalism (Chinese philosophy)
  4. Legalism (Chinese philosophy)
  5. Even while a new realpolitik of cooperation with the Americans seems to be asserting itself , there is a danger that the US-led military action against Afghanistan may lead to a revival of the tendencies that have often played havoc with India 's foreign policy in the past : habitual dissent , anti-Americanism , fastidious legalism and antediluvian ideologies .
    अफगानिस्तान के खिलफ अमेरिकी सैनिक कार्रवाई से वे प्रवृइत्तयां फिर उभर सकती हैं , जो भारतीय विदेश नीति के लिए अतीत में घातक रही हैं-स्वभावगत असहमति , अमेरिकावाद का विरोध और दकियानूसी सिद्धांत .
  6. The Pali texts provide interesting details of the practice and procedure adopted in the assemblies of the ancient republics which according to some scholars , were marked with the underlying concepts of “ legalism and constitutionalism of a most advanced type . ”
    पाली में लिखित ग्रंथों में इस विषय में दिलचस्प ब्यौरे मिलते हैं कि प्राचीन गणराज़्यों में सभाओं में क़्या-क़्या प्रथाएं एवं प्रक्रियाएं अपनाई जाती थीं जो कुछ विद्वानों के अनुसार ? आधुनिकतम स्वरूप के विधि एवं संवैधानिक ? सिद्धांतोंपर आधारित थीं .
  7. Some of the more prominent disciples of the scholars included: (1) Jabril ibn Umar, who studied in Cairo and taught the new ideas to Uthman dan Fodio; in 1804, the latter launched the Fulani jihads in the northern Nigeria area which convulsed the region for decades. (2) Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab studied for many years in Mecca and founded a movement that came to be named after him, the Wahhabiya, probably the most extreme fundamentalist movement ever to succeed politically. In 1744, he formed an alliance with a tribal leader, Muhammad ibn Sa'ud which assured the Wahhabis a lasting voice in Arabian politics. In turn, the Wahhabis influenced other fundamentalists; for instance, a Moroccan sultan sent a delegation to Mecca in 1812 to learn about Wahhabi practices. (3) A Moroccan scholar, Ahmad ibn Idris, studied in Mecca and later established an independent state, run by religious leaders, in Asir province, to the south of Mecca. (4) Shah Wali Ullah, the outstanding Islamic thinker of India, studied in the Hijaz in the early eighteenth century. (5) Shariat Allah, the founder of the Fara'idiya, a fundamentalist movement in Bengal, studied in Mecca for twenty years before returning home and agitating for fundamentalist goals. (6) Abd ar-Ra'uf as-Sinkili studied for nineteen years in Arabia before going back to Indonesia and spreading a Neo-Sufi order. (7) Abd as-Samad al-Palimbani studied and taught in Mecca before he too returned to Indonesia to propagate a brotherhood. (8) Three scholars returning from Mecca called for stricter legalism and founded the Padri movement of Sumatra. (9) Ma Ming-hsin of Kansu province in China studied on the Arabian peninsula before establishing the New Teaching which later fomented a revolt against the Chinese authorities. Related Topics: History , Mecca and Medina , Radical Islam receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
    (5) बंगाल में कट्टरपन्थी आंदोलन के संस्थापक शरियत अल्लाह ने बीस वर्षों तक मक्का में अध्ययन किया और इसके बाद वे वापस लौटे और अपने कट्टरपन्थी उद्देश्य के लिये आंदोलन आरम्भ किया। (6) अब्द अर रऊफ अस सिंकिली ने अरब में उन्नीस वर्षों तक अध्ययन किया और फिर इंडोनेशिया वापस लौटकर नव सूफी व्यवस्था का प्रचार किया। (7) अब्द अस समद अल पलिमबानी ने मक्का में अध्ययन किया और अध्यापन किया और वे भी इंडोनेशिया लौटकर बंधुता का प्रचार करने लगे। (8) मक्का से लौटने वाले तीन विद्वानों ने कठोर कानून की वकालत की और सुमात्रा में पादरी आंदोलन की स्थापना की। (9) चीन में कांसू प्रांत के मा मिंघसिन ने चीन के अधिकारियों के विरुद्ध विद्रोह की प्रेरक शिक्षाओं से पूर्व उन्होंने अरब प्रायद्वीप में अध्ययन किया था।


  1. strict conformity to the letter of the law rather than its spirit

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  6. legalisms
  7. legalistic
  8. legality
  9. legality of contract
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