• आयन त्वरित्र | |
ion: आयन | |
accelerator: त्वरक त्वरित्र | |
ion accelerator meaning in Hindi
ion accelerator sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- These techniques were mainly developed after heavy ion accelerators were introduced in the materials research.
- The ion accelerator usually consists of several electrodes with cylindrical symmetry, acting as electric lenses.
- As of 2006, the facility has a world-class heavy-ion accelerator complex.
- The 14 UD Heavy Ion Accelerator at The Australian National University houses a 15-million-volt pelletron.
- He was appointed a Professor in 1961 and was Associate Director of the Heavy Ion Accelerator Lab from 1960 to 1963.
- In the 1960s the Arthur W . Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at Yale centered on a tandem Van de Graaff heavy ion accelerator.
- Bombardment with ions of sufficient energy ( usually MeV protons ) produced by an ion accelerator, will cause inner shell ionization of atoms in a specimen.
- It was founded in 1969 as the Society for Heavy Ion Research ( ), abbreviated GSI, to conduct research on and with heavy-ion accelerators.
- Practically speaking, the energy of electron / positron accelerators is limited by this radiation loss, while this does not play a significant role in the dynamics of proton or ion accelerators.
- In order to avoid crashing into the star Nakamura must fire the drive enough to put the ship into a stable orbit, doing so at the expense of further damage to the drive s ion accelerators and to the mattercaster web.