
insequent stream meaning in Hindi

insequent stream sentence in Hindi
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  1. Obsequent streams are insequent streams that now flow in an opposite direction of the original drainage pattern.
  2. Three kinds of streams are formed by headward erosion : " insequent streams ", " subsequent streams ", and " obsequent and resequent streams " ( " See Fluvial landforms of streams " . ) "'Insequent streams "'form by random headward erosion, usually from sheetflow of water over the landform surface.
  3. Three kinds of streams are formed by headward erosion : " insequent streams ", " subsequent streams ", and " obsequent and resequent streams " ( " See Fluvial landforms of streams " . ) "'Insequent streams "'form by random headward erosion, usually from sheetflow of water over the landform surface.

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