
in the course of meaning in Hindi

in the course of sentence in Hindi
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  1. in the course of his early operations.
    अपने प्राम्भिक शल्य क्रिया के दौरान |
  2. And in the course of that,
    इस कोशिश में,
  3. Thus , such acts were inevitable explosions in the course of a national liberation struggle .
    यों , एक राष्ट्रीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के दौरान , इस तरह के विस्फोट अपरिहार्य हैं .
  4. Of course , both sides believed that better understanding could certainly be arrived at in the course of talks .
    हां , दोनों पक्षों का मानना है कि बातचीत में बेहतर समज्ह पर फंचा जा सकता है .
  5. Would it be desirable to adjourn the hearing and take up the case after some time in the course of the day ?
    क़्या मुकदमे की सुनवाई मुल्तवी की जाये और केस की सुनवाई आज बाद में फिर की जाये ?
  6. It had given him an opportunity to engage in political work of a different type , a type he was not acquainted with in the course of his work in India .
    यहीं उन्हें एक दुसरे प्रकार का राजनैतिक कार्य करने का मौका मिला था .
  7. In the course of the Sixth Plan period , more significant and far-reaching policy initiatives followed .
    छठी योजना की अवधि में , अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण तथा दूरगामी परिणाम संबंधी नीतियां लागू की गयीं .
  8. In the course of five tempestuous years Tagore suffered an almost total break-up of his family life .
    इन पिछले पांच तूफानी सालों में रवीन्द्रनाथ ने जितना कुछ झेला था- उससे वे अपने पारिवारिक जीवन से बुरी तरह ऊब गए
  9. In all, 800 persons lost their lives in the course of attacks by militant Islam on Americans before September 2001 - more than killed by any other enemy since the Vietnam War. (Further, this listing does not include the dozens more Americans in Israel killed by militant Islamic terrorists.)
    सितम्बर 1986: आगस्टा गा में एक डाक्टर मारा गया।
  10. In the course of time, many scholars have written books on the life story of Ram according to their own perceptions, knowledge & intellect.
    कालान्तर में भगवान श्री राम की कथा को अनेक विद्वानों ने अपने अपने बुद्धि ज्ञान तथा मतानुसार अनेक बार लिखा है।

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  1. in the circumstances of
  2. in the circumstances stated above
  3. in the clear
  4. in the club
  5. in the concluding para
  6. in the course of action
  7. in the course of the suit
  8. in the course of time
  9. in the course of trade
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