
geographical race meaning in Hindi

geographical race sentence in Hindi
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  1. A great number of geographical races and individual forms are distinguished in this extensive region.
  2. It is so similar in morphology and habits to the carrion crow ( " Corvus corone " ), for many years they were considered by most authorities to be geographical races of one species.
  3. The cattle egret has two geographical races which are sometimes classified as full species, the western cattle egret, " B . ibis ", and eastern cattle egret, " B . coromandus ".
  4. Regarding " " geographical races " ", Garn said, " " A collection of populations, separated from other such collections by major geographical barriers . " " Regarding " " local races " ", Garn said, " " A breeding population adapted to local selection pressures and maintained by either natural or social barriers to gene interchange . " " Regarding " " micro-races " ", Garn said, " " marriage or mating, is a mathematical function of distance.

Related Words

  1. geographical pattern
  2. geographical philosophy
  3. geographical pole
  4. geographical position
  5. geographical propinquity
  6. geographical reality
  7. geographical reference system
  8. geographical region
  9. geographical relation
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