
formal apology meaning in Hindi

formal apology sentence in Hindi
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  1. It has been such a problem that Apple made a formal apology.
  2. Abuse of these children was later alleged, and a formal apology demanded.
  3. The formal apology reached Washington, D . C . on Christmas Eve.
  4. But it repeated its insistence on a formal apology for the incident.
  5. Burmese government issued a formal apology to China acknowledging the cross-border bombing.
  6. In July 1998, the Italian government offered a formal apology to Libya.
  7. The Wiesenthal center demanded Switzerland issue a formal apology and pay compensation.
  8. I would like to give a formal apology here to the public,
  9. Harding also demanded and received a formal apology from the Turkish government.
  10. Beckham issued a formal apology, and Eriksson appears to have forgiven him.

Related Words

  1. formal
  2. formal act
  3. formal alternation
  4. formal analogy
  5. formal analysis
  6. formal approach
  7. formal approval
  8. formal approval is necessary
  9. formal arithmetic
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