Noun • खाल • चर्म • छाला • पर्वत • जंगली पहाड़ी भूमि • काट गिराना | ADJ • निर्दयी • कठोर | Verb • गिराना • मारना • काट डालना • मार गिराना • काट गिराना |
fell meaning in Hindi
[ fel ] sound:
fell sentence in Hindi
- Together, that's hardly a guarantee of a warmer trans-Atlantic clasp of hands. Instead, it's a remarkable contrast to Secretary of State James Baker's proposal, a month after the wall fell, of a new, organic economic and political relationship between Europeans and Americans.
इसके विपरीत क्योंकि वाशिंगटन अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है तो इसे यूरोप का सद्भाव जीतने का प्रयास करना चाहिये। - Thanks to the demonstrations, we can be newly hopeful that Turkey may avoid the path it had been on, that of despotism, Islamification and increasingly rogue foreign relations. Perhaps its secular, democratic and pro-Western heritage can be revived. Daniel Pipes is president of the Middle East Forum and a columnist for National Review . June 4, 2013 update : For a perceptive analysis of the two choices facing the prime minister now - learn from the protests or double down in his authoritarian ways - see Kemal Kirişci, “ How Erdoğan Fell From Grace .” Related Topics: Turkey and Turks receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
प्रदर्शन के चलते हम नये सिरे से आशा कर सकते हैं कि यह जिस रास्ते पर चल रहा है उससे अलग होगा जो कि अधिनायकवाद, इस्लामीकरण और धीरे धीरे दुष्ट विदेशी सम्बंधों की ओर जा रहा है। सम्भवतः इसकी सेक्युलर , लोकतांत्रिक और पश्चिम समर्थक विरासत को पुनर्जीवित किया जा सके। - So much for those fashionable theories of two decades ago, trumpeted as the Berlin Wall fell, about the end of history . The Left retrenched after the fall of Leninism and now threatens humanity with a new version of its anti-Western, anti-rational, anti-liberty, anti-individualist ideology. Mr. Pipes is director of the Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University.
दूसरा प्रमुख शब्द है लोकतंत्र- वामपंथ सुदूर और औपचारिक ढाँचे के परिपक्व गणतंत्र को अस्वीकार कर जमीनी स्तर के , अनियंत्रित लोकतन्त्र को प्राथमिकता देता है जहाँ प्रत्यक्ष आवाज की सम्भावनायें अधिक रहती हैं। स्टेनबर्ग ने लोकतांत्रिक प्रक्रिया की व्याख्या करते हुए कहा, “ यह उन बैठकों के माध्यम से आगे बढेगी जहाँ हेरा फेरी के कानून का शासन न हो, प्रक्रिया, उदाहरण और सोपानक्रम न हो” ये ऊँचे उड्ने वाले शब्द सुनने में भले ही अच्छे लगें परंतु ये कानून, प्रक्रिया, उदाहरण और सोपानक्रम वास्तव में किसी वास्तविक उद्देश्य को ही पूरा करते हैं। - Apr. 11, 2013 addenda : Some reflections that did not fit the main article: (1) Before this article appeared, I gave a several interviews ( here , here and here ) advocating tactical support for the Assad regime; these prompted name-calling by CAIR and some hysterical reactions about me urging genocide in Syria. No: I look forward to the day when Syria is at peace with itself and a good neighbor, when its government is democratic and law-abiding. But until that distant time, I prefer that evil forces direct their attentions against each other than against the outside world. (2) To the argument that early Western support for the rebels would have prevented the Islamists from dominating them ( which they now do ), I reply that Western powers did provide early support to rebels in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt and look what that achieved - Islamists dominate all three of those countries. The same would likely have been the case in Syria. Western assistance is not that influential in altering the course of an ideological movement. (3) I dislike advocating support for Assad and respect the intentions of those who share my goals but disagree with my means. I do, however, see them engaging in wishful, non-strategic thinking. (4) That my approach gives priority to strategic considerations marks it, in the context of modern Western politics, as conservative. Liberals enjoy a confidence in their own wellbeing that conservatives lack. Where liberals tend to worry about others (snail darters), conservatives tend to worry about themselves (a sufficient electricity supply). Consistent with this temperamental difference, the former focus on civilian welfare in Syria and the latter on Western security. (5) My advice is hardly original to me but is old-fashioned Realpolitik. Put differently, it fits into a divide-and-rule tradition that goes back to the Romans. (6) Assad's staying in power has the advantage that the regime's chemical weapons are less dangerous than if he fell.
इस भावना के अनुरूप मेरा तर्क है कि अमेरिका को हारते हुए पक्ष की सहायता करनी चाहिये और वह कोई भी क्यों न हो, जैसा कि मई 1987 के विश्लेषण में मैंने कहा था, “ 1980 में जब इराक ने ईरान को धमकी दी थी तो हमारा हित कुछ मात्रा में ईरान के साथ था। परंतु 1982 की गर्मियों से इराक रक्षात्मक हो गया और अब वाशिंगटन पूरी तरह इसके साथ है..... भविष्य की ओर यदि देखें तो क्या इराक एक बार पुनः आक्रामक हो सकेगा वैसे तो यह सम्भव नहीं दिखता परंतु असम्भव भी नहीं है, अमेरिका को फिर से युद्ध में आना चाहिये और ईरान को सहायता करने के सम्बंध में सोचना चाहिये” ।
adj.- (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin''s roughshod treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks"
synonyms:, , , , ,
- cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow; "strike down a tree"; "Lightning struck down the hikers"
synonyms:, , - sew a seam by folding the edges
- pass away rapidly; "Time flies like an arrow"; "Time fleeing beneath him"
- the act of felling something (as a tree)
- seam made by turning under or folding together and stitching the seamed materials to avoid rough edges
synonyms: - the dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal)