• अनुप्रस्थ करोटि आनन सूचकांक • अनुप्रस्थ शीर्ष आनन सूचकांक • आनन सूचकांक • उदग्र शीर्ष-आनन सूचकांक | |
facial: फ़ेशियल आनन आनन | |
index: विषय सूची | |
facial index meaning in Hindi
facial index sentence in HindiExamples
- Most of the characteristics of the Samoan have Mongoloid affinities such as : skin color, hair color, eye color, conjuctiva, amount of beard, hair on chest, nasal bridge, nostrils, lips, face width, biogonial width, cephalo-facial index, nasal height, ear height and chin.
noun.- the ratio (in percent) of the maximum width to the maximum height of the face