• राजनयिक अभिकर्ता | |
diplomatic: नीति संबंधी | |
agent: बिचवई आढ़तिया | |
diplomatic agent meaning in Hindi
diplomatic agent sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- He became the United States diplomatic agent to Egypt from 1893 to 1897.
- From 1914 he was a diplomatic agent and consul general in Durazzo, Albania.
- Consuls, be they career or honorary, are not diplomatic agents.
- Instead, Schuyler took the post of diplomatic agent and consul general in Cairo, Egypt.
- Diplomatic agents were appointed for the U . S ., Japan, England, France, and Australia.
- Pierre-Paul Pecquet du Bellet, Unofficial Diplomatic Agent of the Confederate States of America in France ]]
- As a child, Pakravan accompanied his parents to Cairo, where his father was appointed diplomatic agent.
- The most fundamental rule of diplomatic law is that the person of a diplomatic agent is inviolable.
- Merutunga also claims that Jayasimha had a diplomatic agent at the court of Jayachandra, the king of Varanasi.
- The foreign consuls and diplomatic agents had to leave the capital cities of Ia _ i and Bucharest.