Noun • ग़ोता • जेबकतरा • डिप • झुकाव • डुबकी • ढलान • नीचे का झुकाव • अवगाह • अवपात • उतार • बघार • कोण • बोरना • चरबी की मोमबत्ती • गढ़ा • सालन • गिरावट • स्नान • चटनी • चर्बी की मोमबत्ती | • डूब जाना | Verb • झुकना • झुकाना • कम करना • डुबाना • तर करना • डुबोना • डुबकी लगाना • डूबना • ढालू होना • नहलाना • डुबकी मारना • नहाना • डुबा देना • निकालना • नीचे को आना • भरना • गिरना • डुबना • ढालूना |
dip meaning in Hindi
[ dip ] sound:
dip sentence in Hindi
More: Next- While productivity has dipped , the input costs have shot up .
उपज में कमी आई तो दूसरी ओर लगत बढेती गई है . - For food , they had bread dipped in sweet tea .
चाय में डबलरोटी भिगोकर दोनों ने खाना खा लिया . - When we see these little dips in the light,
जब हम प्रकाश में यह छोटी सी कमी देखते हैं, - From there,after taking dip in Yamuna Ram reached to the cottage of Saint balmiki.
वहाँ से राम यमुना स्नान करते हुये वाल्मीकि ऋषि के आश्रम पहुँचे। - they dip the stones into the Tigris and suck up that collective wisdom
उन्होंने टिग्रिस नदी में वो पत्थर डाल कर, वो सारी जानकारी और अक्ल हासिल कर ली - The village folk who come to the fair take a dip in the lake which is considered as holy as the river Ganges .
मेला में आए लोग झील में स्नान करते है जो गंगास्नान के तुल्य माना जात है . - The river Ganges is further polluted by lakhs of devotees taking a dip all along its course .
अपने रास्ते में लाखों लोगों के नहाने से गंगा नदी और अधिक प्रदूषित होती जाती है . - On record Muslim leaders are stoic and project Sonia 's dip as an act of faith .
सार्वजनिक तौर पर तो मुसलमान नेता संयम बरतते हे सोनिया की ड़ुबकी को आस्था का मामल बताते हैं . - If the dip has put the caste Hindu leaders in the party on overdrive , it has created disquiet among Muslim leaders .
ड़ुबकी से यदि पार्टी के हिंदू नेताओं में जोश भर गया है तो मुस्लिम नेताओं में बैचेनी छा गई है . - Cooked grasshoppers dipped in chocolate are served in many fashionable restaurants in the United States .
संयुक़्त राज़्य में अनेक लोकप्रिय रेस्तरांओं में पकाए गए टिड्डे चाकलेट में डुबाकर परोसे जाते हैं .
noun.- a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms
- a brief swim in water
synonyms: - a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow
- a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity; "a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index"; "there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery"; "a dip in prices"; "when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall"
synonyms:, , - a brief immersion
- tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped
- a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places
synonyms:, - (physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon
synonyms:, , , - a depression in an otherwise level surface; "there was a dip in the road"
- stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
- go down momentarily; "Prices dipped"
- dip into a liquid while eating; "She dunked the piece of bread in the sauce"
synonyms: - scoop up by plunging one''s hand or a ladle below the surface; "dip water out of a container"
- immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate; "dip the garment into the cleaning solution"; "dip the brush into the paint"
synonyms:, , , - plunge (one''s hand or a receptacle) into a container; "He dipped into his pocket"
- immerse in a disinfectant solution; "dip the sheep"
- place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax
- dip into a liquid; "He dipped into the pool"
synonyms:, - slope downwards; "Our property dips towards the river"
- appear to move downward; "The sun dipped below the horizon"; "The setting sun sank below the tree line"
synonyms: - lower briefly; "She dipped her knee"
- switch (a car''s headlights) from a higher to a lower beam
synonyms: - take a small amount from; "I had to dip into my savings to buy him this present"