• आढत • आढत का काम | |
commission: विचारण बनाने का | |
business: बात कार्य में | |
commission business meaning in Hindi
commission business sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- He entered the grain commission business in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1891.
- For the next twenty years, Sloo worked in the commission business.
- In business he was a clerk in the commission business from 1858 to 1862.
- UBS executives said commission business will remain under pressure because of ever greater competition.
- After the war, Kirkland settled in Savannah, Georgia, where he worked in the commission business.
- The biggest increase in the fee and commission business came from the securities and investment side.
- He was interested in the coal commission business and slate quarrying in 1868 at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
- He then moved to Chicago to engage in the commission business on the Chicago Board of Trade.
- After spending a year in Pittsburgh he moved to Toronto where he established a wholesale fruit and commission business.
- The Big Bang is likely to mean that " any sort of pure-commission business will disappear, " he said.