
clericalism meaning in Hindi

clericalism sentence in Hindi
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  1. There had long been a strong strain of anti-clericalism.
  2. It peaked with the anti-clericalism of the French Revolution.
  3. Humanism's intellectual anti-clericalism would profoundly influence Luther.
  4. Although critical of Christianity and clericalism he was a religious man.
  5. The party advocated cultural and territorial autonomy and anti-clericalism.
  6. On several occasions he distinguished himself for his anti-clericalism.
  7. The culture of clericalism has to be uprooted and smashed,
  8. Members of opposing schools of thought called such attempts clericalism.
  9. So we've never had any tradition of anti-clericalism.
  10. Alongside a vehement anti-clericalism his books spread early socialist ideas.


  1. a policy of supporting the influence and power of the clergy in secular or political matters

Related Words

  1. clerical mistake
  2. clerical or arithmetical mistake
  3. clerical staff
  4. clerical supremacy
  5. clerical work
  6. clericalisms
  7. clericals
  8. clerico-fascism
  9. cleried function
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