Noun • याजकवाद | • पादरी प्रथा विरोधी • पादरीवाद • पुरोहितवाद |
clericalism meaning in Hindi
clericalism sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- There had long been a strong strain of anti-clericalism.
- It peaked with the anti-clericalism of the French Revolution.
- Humanism's intellectual anti-clericalism would profoundly influence Luther.
- Although critical of Christianity and clericalism he was a religious man.
- The party advocated cultural and territorial autonomy and anti-clericalism.
- On several occasions he distinguished himself for his anti-clericalism.
- The culture of clericalism has to be uprooted and smashed,
- Members of opposing schools of thought called such attempts clericalism.
- So we've never had any tradition of anti-clericalism.
- Alongside a vehement anti-clericalism his books spread early socialist ideas.
noun.- a policy of supporting the influence and power of the clergy in secular or political matters