Noun • हया • खिजावट • खीज • सकपकाहट • शर्मिरी • झुंझलाहट • शरमिंदगी • झेंप • लज्जितता • लाज • शर्म • संकट • संकोच • संताप • सन्ताप • हैरानी • चिढ़ • कुढ़न | • संतापभाव | Verb • कुढ़ाना • कष्ट देना • खिजाना • तंग करना • यावा होना • खीझना • चिढ़ाना |
chagrin meaning in Hindi
chagrin sentence in HindiExamples
- To my chagrin, I began to giggle at the funeral of a senior colleague.
एक वरिष्ठ सहकर्मी की शोकसभा में मुझे हंसी आने लगी जो मेरे लिए बड़ी शरमिंदगी की बात थी। - “ The awarding of the Nobel Prize for Literature , ” wrote an American paper , ” to a Hindu has occasioned much chagrin and no little surprise among writers of the Caucasian race .
एक अमेरिकी अखबार ने लिखा , ? साहित्य के लिए किसी हिंदू को नोबेल पुरस्कार मिलना कॉकेशियन प्रजाति के लेखकों के लिए विषाद का कारण अवश्य ही बना है लेकिन उन्हें कोई आश्चर्य नहीं हुआ . - Mr. Pipes is director of the Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. Nov. 9, 2010 update : In March 2010, the U.S. government expressed outrage when the Netanyahu government announced new housing starts in eastern Jerusalem; and now in November, it is doing likewise and for the same reason. But the Israeli response is quite different, explain Mark Landler and Ethan Bronner in the New York Times : Analysts said Mr. Netanyahu's unyielding tone - a palpable contrast to his chagrined reaction after a similar housing dispute during a visit to Israel by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. - testified to the altered political environment in the United States. The stinging Democratic defeat in the midterm elections, the analysts said, had emboldened Mr. Netanyahu to push back harder against the administration. “He is dealing with a president who is politically weakened,” said Daniel C. Kurtzer, a former American ambassador to Israel. “A lot of his friends in Washington are Republicans. He feels more comfortable with them, so he just feels that he's got a freer hand here.” Nov. 10, 2010 update : Alon Pinkas, a leftist former Israeli consul general in New York, notes the same pattern I do in an article titled “ Undermining bipartisanship on Israel ” but blames it on Netanyahu, calling his actions “a distinct break from the past 40 years, when Israel's strengthening ties with Washington were all a product of bipartisan support - regardless of who was in the White House or who controlled Congress.” True, it is a break, but put the blame where it belongs, on the Democrats, not Netanyahu. Comment on this item
मार्च 2010 के अंत में अमेरिका इजरायल सम्बंधों के सबसे निचले स्तर पर जैनी जकारिया ने वाशिंगटन पोस्ट में लिखा कि इजरायल के कुछ लोग अपने प्रधानमन्त्री से अपेक्षा करते हैं कि, “जब तक अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनाव नहीं हो जाते ( नवम्बर 2010)तब तक इस आशा के साथ प्रतीक्षा करें कि ओबामा का समर्थन कम होगा और इजरायल समर्थक रिपब्लिकन चुन कर आयेंगे”। यदि इजरायल के एक नेता को अमेरिकी कांग्रेस के कुछ डेमोक्रेट लोगों के चलते रोका जाता है तो यह परिवर्तन को दिखाता है । इससे मतदाताओं के लिये मार्गदर्शन भी मिलता है।
noun.- strong feelings of embarrassment
- cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; "He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss"
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