• अमीम शक्ति • ऊष्मीय शक्ति • कैलोरीजनन शक्ति | |
calorific: ऊष्माकर तापजनक | |
power: राज विद्युत् | |
calorific power meaning in Hindi
calorific power sentence in HindiExamples
- The Plant is able to process up to 40.000 tons per year without previous selection, and the system has been internationally patented by ECOHISP�NICA . The process just applies water steam, pressure, temperature, and some internal movement . . . In about 20 minutes, the main part of the garbage ( organic matter ), is converted into a kind of biomass, very clean, that you can touch with your hands, storable, and valid for composting, for gassification, or power generation ( the calorific power is about 3.500 kcal / kg ).