
blunt meaning in Hindi

[ blʌnt ] sound:
blunt sentence in Hindi
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  1. This is a blunt thing, not a matter of laughter or fun.
    ‎यह एक दो टूक बात हैं हंसी दिल्लगी की नहीं है।
  2. The other hurdle was his blunt opposition to the Gandhian programme and leadership .
    दूसरी बाधा थी उनका खुलेआम गांधी कार्यक्रम व नेतृत्व का विरोध .
  3. Khan was more blunt 24 hours later . “ If the current situation is allowed to persist for long , ” he warned , “ it could lead to civil war as in the past . ”
    24 घंटे बाद खान के सुर तीखे थे , ' ' स्थिति ऐसी ही रही तो फिर पहले जैसा गृह युद्ध छिड़े सकता है . ' '
  4. In blunt but poetic words the poet told them that he could not accept a homage that was so unreal .
    अपने दो टूक और काव्यात्मक शब्दों में कवि ने उनको बताया कि वे इस सम्मान को स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि यह सब एक तरह का छद्म हैं .
  5. He was personal , reminiscent and friendly , and though he was as usual blunt and forthright in his opposition to war , national rivalries and the fetish of indiscriminate worship of material progress , he soon disarmed hostile criticism and won over many a progressive intellectual .
    वे व्यक्तिगत , मित्रतापूर्ण स्मरणशील होते हुए भी आमतौर पर मुंहफट , और युद्ध के विरुद्ध स्पष्टवादी थे.राष्ट्रीय शत्रुता और सांसारिक प्रगति को अंधाधुंध पुजापा बनाकर उसकी पूजा करते हुए उन्होने जल्दी ही शत्रुता भरी आलोचना को निरस्त कर कई प्रगतिशील बुद्धिजीवियों पर विजय पाई .
  6. This voice from the past prompts three observations. First, its blunt expression is remote from today's carefully worded government analyses (even classified ones) intended to offend no one. Second, the perception that the Muslim world (then making up one-seventh of the world's population, now about one-sixth) could impede world stability is deep and remarkable. Third, many of the themes wracking today's world could be discerned two generations ago - the frustration of Muslims, the sense of longing for an earlier era, the political volatility, the susceptibility to extremist ideologies, and the threat to world peace. This confirms, again, that 9/11 and attendant aggressions should not have been the shock they were. Related Topics: History , US policy receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
    भूतकाल की इस आवाज से तीन निष्कर्ष निकाले जा सकते हैं. पहला इसकी स्पष्ट अभिव्यक्ति आज के सरकारी विश्लेषण से काफी अलग है जिसे होशियारीपूर्वक बनाया गया है ताकि कोई आहत न हो. दूसरा यह धारणा कि मुस्लिम विश्व (अब विश्व की 1\6 जनसंख्या) विश्व की स्थिरता को बाधित कर सकता है काफी गहरी और महत्वपूर्ण है. तीसरा बहुत सी धारणायें जो आज प्रचलित हैं दो पीढ़ी पहले भी प्रचलित थीं जैसे मुसलमानों की कुण्ठा, पूर्व युग के साथ सम्बद्ध होने की लालसा, राजनीतिक अस्थिरता, कट्टरपंथी विचारधारा के प्रति झुकाव तथा विश्व शान्ति के प्रति खतरा. इससे पुष्ट होता है कि 11 सितम्बर और उसके बाद की आक्रामकता से उतना हतप्रभ नहीं होना चाहिये था जितने लोग हुए.


  1. make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation; "Terror blunted her feelings"; "deaden a sound"
  2. make less sharp; "blunt the knives"
  3. make less intense; "blunted emotions"
  4. make dull or blunt; "Too much cutting dulls the knife''s edge"
  5. make numb or insensitive; "The shock numbed her senses"
    synonyms:, ,
  1. devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment; "the blunt truth"; "the crude facts"; "facing the stark reality of the deadline"
  2. characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank accusation"
    synonyms:, , , , , , ,
  3. used of a knife or other blade; not sharp; "a blunt instrument"
  4. having a broad or rounded end; "thick marks made by a blunt pencil"

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  6. blunt end ligation
  7. blunt flushing curette
  8. blunt hook
  9. blunt instrument
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