
basket of currencies meaning in Hindi

basket of currencies sentence in Hindi
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  1. As a result, the dollar was pegged against a basket of currencies.
  2. A floating basket of currency values has started to make more sense.
  3. In December 2015, Zimbabwe added the Chinese yuan to its basket of currencies.
  4. The Singapore dollar trades against a basket of currencies of its trading partners.
  5. Our Ringgit, whichwas also pegged to a basket of currencies, was not spared.
  6. The ECU is a basket of currencies of member states of the European Union.
  7. Habibie also said the rupiah's value would be pegged to a basket of currencies.
  8. The exchange rate is tightly managed by the authority against a trade-weighted basket of currencies.
  9. The baht is pegged to a basket of currencies with an 80 percent dollar weighting.
  10. The index values the dollar against a basket of currencies of Australia's major trading partners.

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