
artocarpus altilis meaning in Hindi

artocarpus altilis sentence in Hindi
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  1. "' Breadfruit "'( " Artocarpus altilis " ) is a species of mulberry and jackfruit family ( " Moraceae " ) originating in the South Pacific and that was eventually spread to the rest of Oceania.
  2. Cassava is sometimes described as the " bread of the tropics " but should not be confused with the tropical and equatorial bread tree " ( Encephalartos ) ", the breadfruit " ( Artocarpus altilis ) " or the African breadfruit " ( Treculia africana ) ".
  3. Vegetation includes Swordgrass " ( Miscanthus floridulus ) " grasslands on the upper slopes, forests of Coconut Palm " ( Cocos nucifera ), " with some Breadfruit " ( Artocarpus altilis ) " and Papaya " ( Carica papaya ) " on the lower slopes and within the deep ravines that descend radially from the summit.

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