
agnatic kinship meaning in Hindi

agnatic kinship sentence in Hindi
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  1. The combination of agnatic kinship and a feudal system of obligation has been seen as creating the highland clan system.
  2. The combination of agnatic kinship and feudal obligations has been seen as creating the system of clans in the Highlands in this era.
  3. The combination of agnatic kinship and a feudal system of obligation has been seen as creating the highland clan system, evident in records from the 13th century.
  4. The combination of agnatic kinship and a feudal system of obligation has been seen as creating the Highland clan system, evident in records from the thirteenth century.
  5. The combination of agnatic kinship and the feudal system, which formalised mutual obligations of service and protection, organised through heritable jurisdictions, has been seen as creating the Highland clan system.
  6. Myron L . Cohen writes in " Kinship, Contract, Community, And State : Anthropological Perspectives On China " : " The north China data reveal a dimension of agnatic kinship previously not seen as significant in lineage organization.
  7. In what I call the fixed genealogical mode of agnatic kinship patrilineal ties are figured on the basis of the relative seniority of descent lines, so that the unity of the lineage as a whole is based upon a ritual focus on the senior descent line traced back to the founding ancestor, his eldest son, and the succession of eldest sons . [ . . . ] lineages can be subdivided into branches based upon the nonequivalence of lines of descent.

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