• प्रशासनिक उपाय | |
administrative: प्रशासन प्रशासनिक | |
measures: युक्ति साधन उपाय | |
administrative measures meaning in Hindi
administrative measures sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- Greenpeace Netherlands dismissed the new monitoring regime as an ineffectual administrative measure.
- Prosecutors sought to impose so-called Special Administrative Measures, or SAMs, on Reid.
- The next 15 months were occupied with various journeys and administrative measures.
- New laws, regulations, and administrative measures to implement these commitments are being issued.
- The reorganization of rural institutions weakened administrative measures necessary to make large-scale waterworks function.
- In addition, it is important to let larization increase naturally without any administrative measures.
- These administrative measures will not affect our policy of opening to the outside world,
- It is complemented by numerous local regulations and administrative measures.
- The appeal requests that " administrative measures " be taken.
- During his second term, Viana issued a series of administrative measures to curb smuggling.