
activation record meaning in Hindi

activation record sentence in Hindi
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  1. As nested calls accumulate, a call stack structure is formed, consisting of one activation record for each suspended subprogram.
  2. This is accomplished by storing extra context information within the activation record, also termed a " display ".
  3. An environment that fully supports coroutines or lazy evaluation may use data structures other than stacks to store their activation records.
  4. These languages organize their procedure'activation records'as separate heap objects rather than as stack frames appended to a linear stack.
  5. In fact, this stack structure is virtually ubiquitous, and so activation records are commonly termed " stack frames ".
  6. To find an identifier's value, the program could traverse the runtime stack, checking each activation record ( each function's stack frame ) for a value for the identifier.
  7. Due to concurrent execution of agent procedures, a conventional sequential stack allocation scheme cannot be used as the activation records of the agent calls do not follow a last-in first-out pattern.
  8. A simple scheme is used to implement this behaviour, which works by allocating new activation records at the top of the stack, and linking subagents'activation records to their creator's record.
  9. A simple scheme is used to implement this behaviour, which works by allocating new activation records at the top of the stack, and linking subagents'activation records to their creator's record.
  10. Modern languages after ALGOL such as PL / 1 and C almost invariably use a stack, usually supported by most modern computer instruction sets to provide a fresh activation record for every execution of a subprogram.

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